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Marin County Family Law Blog

The blog posts and information contained in this portion of the Rachel Castrejon Family Law and Mediation website are intended to provide information about some of the common issues that arise in a divorce, child custody, or other family law matter. The information provided here should not be construed as legal advice for your specific case as each case is unique. Family law matters can be complicated and seeking advice from a qualified family law attorney about your specific case is recommended.
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Tax Reform: How it will Impact Spousal Support/Alimony Payments

If passed, the new tax reform bill introduced by Republicans will have a profound impact on couples getting divorced because the right to deduct alimony (spousal support) payments will be eliminated. Under current law, the spouse who pays alimony is allowed to deduct the amount of alimony paid from his…

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When Your Spouse Stops Contributing to House Expenses

Often, couples who are newly separated do not understand their obligations and rights regarding payment of the “family home” expenses. The law regarding payment of “joint expenses” post-separation is not intuitive and can feel unfair to the person who is left in the family home. That is because, under California…

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What are the benefits of Mediation In the Family Law Context?

There are four primary benefits to mediation: The parties can control the outcome of their case. Reduced Cost Less antagonism and emotional drain. Mediation is confidential. In addition to the cost savings detailed above, mediation is a way for the divorcing couple to control the outcome of the case.  When…

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Who Pays For Divorce and How Can You Keep the Costs Down?

Not only is going through a divorce emotionally draining and time-consuming, it can also be very expensive. Being efficient while also obtaining ample information that will help you resolve your case is critical to managing the costs of divorce. Mediation generally offers a lower cost alternative to divorcing couples. Since…

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Mediation, Is It Right for Your Divorce and Child Custody Issues?

Are you going through a divorce and want to do it in a way that minimizes the anxiety, emotional turmoil and expense? If so, mediation is the right option of you. Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process that both parties agree to participate in rather than proceeding through the…

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